One App for Your Entire Preflight

Tailboard UAS

Be Confident and Efficient

With a simple proven processes
used by drone professionals.

  • Reduce crashes with a better preflight

  • Mitigate stress with workflows used by industry professionals

  • Save time and frustration with better tools

  • Quickly access all of the information you need in one app

Aerial 500kV transmission line inspection

Too Many Apps

As the drone industry grows, your responsibility as a pilot grows.

To keep up, many drone pilots have 7-12 apps on their phone they switch between for information on weather, documents, checklists, copy / pasting information, and checking airspace.

Tailboard UAS is one app that solves the problem of nine! Information is quick and easy to find, and at your fingertips at all times.

Aerial drone inspection

Save Time

  • Less time is wasted checking different apps and switching between them.

  • Tailboard UAS provides all of the information you need in one app.

Matrice M300 preflight

Reduce Stress

  • The more confident you are in your preflight process, the more confident you will be flying.

  • Worry less with the tools and information provided by Tailboard UAS.

Drone inspection flight

Reduce App Clutter

  • Tailboard takes 9 apps, and efficiently merges them into just 1!

  • Reduce app clutter on your phone today.

Drone pilot apps


  • Risk assessments are forms to help identify and mitigate risk. By logging risk assessments, it helps protect you as a pilot. Submitted risk assessments are evidence of actions and decisions, proving you did your due diligence as a pilot.

  • Privacy Mode puts you in control of your documents, and records. Confidently hand your phone or tablet over to someone else knowing they wont be able to see any of your documents.

  • Yes! Every pilot has a custom checklist they use. These custom checklists are available in the iOS app and in your profile on the website.

  • Nope! Everything was programmed and designed to work offline. The only thing we can’t do is update your weather. If you are able to update this before disconnecting, everything else can be done offline.

  • Everything automatically syncs to your account when you regain connection. No need to worry about hitting sync, or worrying about loosing you data.

  • This is a small company, and software development is very costly. iOS gives us the best tools to deliver you the best experience we can. It is possible we develop for Android in the future. For now, we recommend installing it on your iPad.

Download Tailboard, it’s free!

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