About Tailboard UAS

Efficient Pre-Flighting and Safer Flights For All

Tailboard UAS provides frictionless flight planning to all drone pilots

Drone pilot holding a drone

Our Mission

My name is Kurtis Damerow, a long time drone pilot with a lot of experience inspecting power lines on large projects, and prospecting for jobs independently. As pilots (self employed or on a project) we want two things, safety and efficiency. Tailboard UAS will make you more efficient in planning and increase the safety of your operation. Our focus is all about one thing - frictionless flight planning.

The app is constantly going through improvements and development. It wont be perfect at first, but I guarantee it provides enough value for you to try it right now. Eventually it will be the best app you will ever use as a drone pilot, guaranteed.

If you are someone not in my circle, or would like to implement the app in your company reach out. I would love to talk.